You might be surprised to find out where Zombies first originated in film. It's not what you think! Also, get some recommendations on what zombie films and TV to watch in this installment of The Art of Horror.
Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality offer a rare insight into the early internet… for a young’un like Tyler, it doesn’t exactly matter how accurate that insight happens to be.
Have you ever thought about playing Dungeons and Dragons? D&D devotee Kim talks about the game’s major comeback and why there’s never been a better time to get involved.
“Every night the same dream and every morning the same nightmare.” Wanda Maximoff has had a rough ride in the MCU, but her tragic story is one of, if not the best, that Marvel has brought to the big screen. Join us as we dive into the story of the Scarlet Witch! And let us know what your favorite character arc is.
The new cat centric game Stray is out now and cat lover Maria just cannot wait to get her paws on it! Check out her review of this feline fueled adventure.
Patrick Sutherland's look into the newest Steam game that'll drive you batty, V Rising. Gather your friends and prepare to spill some blood in this base-building, third-person, vampire survival game.
Days Gone has risen from the dead with Days Gone Remastered, but are updated visuals and new modes enough to fully revive this series? Tom thinks so, and he’ll tell you why.