The Kirby franchise has always flirted with elements of horror just under the surface, but the newest entry, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, kicks that up to 11 with its eerie liminal spaces. Tyler looks at what “liminality” is and why it’s so damn important to this game!
Prime 1 Studio recently revealed it's highly-anticipated Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake statue! As an avid fan of the franchise, Liza takes a quick dive into the Easter eggs she spotted during the Showcase.
Moon Knight is a complex, character-driven story in which the audience goes on a twisting, turning ride as we spiral deep down into the fractured psyche of a masked hero. Did it live up to the expectation or did it leave us in the dark with more questions?
With the original PlayStation being a commercial success, the PlayStation 2 had high expectations. But the console blazed its own trail in gaming for more than a decade. Here are titles that define that console generation.
From Mortal Kombat to Sonic The Hedgehog, there have been a ton of Video Game Movies but whether or not they are going to rock is never quite known. In this article, we are going to have a look at some of the best of the best and also the worst of the worst.
When it comes to new game releases, why do we always look to game reviews that can be mostly biased in what people write? Join Andrew as he dives headfirst into this subject as to why!
Giovanni Lipari is the lead designer for the impressive, and well received, costumes on Paramount+’s new highly anticipated series: Halo. Here he gives some insight to the process and background on the show itself with Luis Reza in an interview from the perspective of an aspiring filmmaker.
See exactly how many bottles of wine it takes to get through Death on the Nile in Michelle Holstine's review of this Clue-style crime spree. Between the romances and the murders, there's plenty of drama to go around!
Legendary hero Zorro is now over a century old. Shana steps through some of Zorro's biggest historical milestones that are keeping Zorro's legend alive.
Heart Eyes is the perfect companion to Valentine’s Day season. This romantic comedy with a slasher twist is everything Iain needed and more. Let him tell you why.