Ever been so bored in school that you couldn't learn anything, wishing it was more interesting? Thomas Richards has got you covered as he lets you know of anime that'll not only entertain you, but educate you as well.
Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality offer a rare insight into the early internet… for a young’un like Tyler, it doesn’t exactly matter how accurate that insight happens to be.
The killer that just won’t die, the secretly beautiful girl behind glasses, the villain always seems to be British. Clichés are everywhere these days. Let’s dive into some great, and some not so great clichés, while we ignore that explosion right behind us!
In the second installment of Erika Aundawyn's “Women in Gaming'' series, she interviews Alyssa Dykstra, creator of "Threads and Thistles Inventory.'' They discuss Alyssa's small business journey, online harassment, and the interview's title topic: Nerfing the Male Ego.
If you could choose your teachers from pop culture characters, which ones would you choose? We can learn a lot from our fictional heroes, so this batch of assignments is for the physical stuff (wink).