Category: Lifestyle

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Counting Diapers and Judging Poop

Join me in my journey through new parenthood, with a different take than the usual pregnancy article. Pregnancy and new parenthood isn’t always puppies and rainbows, sometimes the puppies are muddy and the rainbows are cloudy!
by Michelle Holstine | October 16, 2021 |

Emotions in Gaming: Hit or Miss?

Ever felt like a video game is trying to stretch for that big emotional moment but can’t quite make it land? I’ve felt that too and I think it's all about how the majority of the video game industry understands emotions.
by Rohan Elliott | September 30, 2021 | , , , ,

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part III – Featuring Maria Kinnun & Jen Miller

Can certain aspects of gaming help give your confidence a boost? Is it possible to regain a deep passion for a hobby that has taken a hiatus in your life? Check out this discussion with Maria Kinnun and Jen Miller as we talk about their own personal gaming experience and what they hope to see from the gaming industry in the future.

Yes, I Live With A Survival Horror Junkie

So you live with a survival horror junkie. This is the tale of a survival horror junkie and the person who chooses to live with them.
by Brandy Brown | August 23, 2021 | , ,

Dear Uncle Alice: A Fan Letter!

What songs or artists have you listened to that help you through rough times? Replayer Shana writes a fan letter to Alice Cooper.
by Shana Martin | August 6, 2021 | ,

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part II – Featuring Charlotte Merritt & Stephanie Watson

What would it be like to have an extensive gaming experience that spanned forty years? Candace sits down with fellow Replayers Charlotte Merritt and Stephanie Watson to discuss the evolution of gaming and how roles have changed for female gamers over the years.

Why That One Moment in Loki Meant So Much

The Loki series plants a seed for greater bisexual/pansexual visibility, and Stef W shares what that means to her after nearly three decades of misunderstandings.

Ink Spot: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Deepens Lily K’s Connection to a Beloved Tattoo

In this debut "Ink Spot" article, Lily K shares how her love of Captain America, his friendship with Bucky, and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier inspired her shield and star tattoo.

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part I – Featuring Amelia Brown & Cassandre Federowicz

Candace features Amelia Brown and Cassandre Federowicz in the first of a series of interviews with female Replayers having an open, candid discussion of their journey as gamers and how their experience has changed over the years.

Alison Haislip: The Actress and Gamer On Why Sex Is Funny

Brandy sits down with Alison Haislip for an in-depth discussion about life, gaming, and her new amazing show.

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Fallout Review From Someone Who Never Played The Games

The Fallout series dropped its entire season on Amazon Prime last week and I watched all of it in nearly one sitting. I knew about the existence of the games, I didn’t know anything else. So I went into this completely blind. And oh, it was worth it!
by Art of Lily KApril 20, 2024
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