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An Argument For Trash Talk

What is the point of trash-talking? Is it to annoy the person in front of you, or do you want to psych out your opponent like the great Muhammad Ali or Macho Man Randy Savage?
by Josh NeffJanuary 19, 2021

5 Video Games Perfect For Theme Parks

With the scheduled opening of the Super Nintendo World theme park in Universal Studios Japan in 2021, MSG brings his theme park expertise to give you his five choices of video game franchises that should also be theme parks.
by Michael Saint GregoryJanuary 16, 2021

Hidden Gems – Driver: San Francisco

Time to check out whether the 2011 daytime TV cop show turned into a video game - Driver San Francisco- is worth checking out.
by Rohan ElliottJanuary 12, 2021

Monthly Update: January 2021 Game Releases

Here’s what 2021 has to offer up first. Kicking the year off is the return of one of the best beat-em ups of all time and the first Xbox Series game. It is a light month but that is January.
by Dan MorrisJanuary 3, 2021

Mind Games: Video Games as Mental Health Therapy

Research suggests that video games have cognitive benefits for gamers and can serve as a form of therapy for certain mental health conditions. Replayer MSG offers his own personal testimony supporting this.
by Michael Saint GregoryDecember 15, 2020

Monthly Update: December 2020 Game Releases

It's that time of year, and here are the big ones to look out for this holiday season. December plays host to a number of indie games that deserve a view and, of course, the big one, Cyberpunk 2077, provided it does not get delayed… again.
by Dan MorrisDecember 8, 2020

When Men Scream Like Girls (Scary Game Edition)

Have you ever heard a man scream like a girl while playing video games? Well buckle up and get ready for some glass shattering howls of terror.
by Brandy BrownNovember 25, 2020

Friendship Enders – Mario Kart

Hey there everyone and welcome to the inaugural Friendship Enders, a series where we’ll go back into the halls of video game history and dust-off games and memories from days past playing with our mates. Yes, I know it’s only been about half a year since we’ve been able to get together with our mates […]
by Rohan ElliottNovember 16, 2020

Storytelling Across Both Games and Film

Forty years ago, video games were video games, and films were films. Video games were simple, and the film industry wasn't eager to produce a Pong sports drama or a Pac-man action-adventure.
by Stef WatsonNovember 16, 2020
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An Argument For Trash Talk

What is the point of trash-talking? Is it to annoy the person in front of you, or do you want to psych out your opponent like the great Muhammad Ali or Macho Man Randy Savage?
by Josh NeffJanuary 19, 2021

5 Video Games Perfect For Theme Parks

With the scheduled opening of the Super Nintendo World theme park in Universal Studios Japan in 2021, MSG brings his theme park expertise to give you his five choices of video game franchises that should also be theme parks.
by Michael Saint GregoryJanuary 16, 2021

Hidden Gems – Driver: San Francisco

Time to check out whether the 2011 daytime TV cop show turned into a video game - Driver San Francisco- is worth checking out.
by Rohan ElliottJanuary 12, 2021

Monthly Update: January 2021 Game Releases

Here’s what 2021 has to offer up first. Kicking the year off is the return of one of the best beat-em ups of all time and the first Xbox Series game. It is a light month but that is January.
by Dan MorrisJanuary 3, 2021

Mind Games: Video Games as Mental Health Therapy

Research suggests that video games have cognitive benefits for gamers and can serve as a form of therapy for certain mental health conditions. Replayer MSG offers his own personal testimony supporting this.
by Michael Saint GregoryDecember 15, 2020

Monthly Update: December 2020 Game Releases

It's that time of year, and here are the big ones to look out for this holiday season. December plays host to a number of indie games that deserve a view and, of course, the big one, Cyberpunk 2077, provided it does not get delayed… again.
by Dan MorrisDecember 8, 2020

When Men Scream Like Girls (Scary Game Edition)

Have you ever heard a man scream like a girl while playing video games? Well buckle up and get ready for some glass shattering howls of terror.
by Brandy BrownNovember 25, 2020

Friendship Enders – Mario Kart

Hey there everyone and welcome to the inaugural Friendship Enders, a series where we’ll go back into the halls of video game history and dust-off games and memories from days past playing with our mates. Yes, I know it’s only been about half a year since we’ve been able to get together with our mates […]
by Rohan ElliottNovember 16, 2020

Storytelling Across Both Games and Film

Forty years ago, video games were video games, and films were films. Video games were simple, and the film industry wasn't eager to produce a Pong sports drama or a Pac-man action-adventure.
by Stef WatsonNovember 16, 2020
1 37 38 39
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