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Category: Nintendo

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Kingdom Hearts: A Stupidly Fun Time

What do you get when you mix the characters of Final Fantasy with the worlds of Disney? A stupidly good time known as Kingdom Hearts. Thomas Richards breaks down why you should give the Kingdom Hearts series a look, even if it’s a bit dumb.
by Thomas Richards | August 24, 2022 | , , , ,

Hypnospace Outlaw, Broken Reality, and Nostalgia for a Time I Never Experienced

Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality offer a rare insight into the early internet… for a young’un like Tyler, it doesn’t exactly matter how accurate that insight happens to be.

Is the Boomer Shooter Postal: Brain Damaged Insanely Good? or Brain-Numbingly Bad?

Are you ready to go Postal?? Hyperstrange has released the latest addition to the Postal franchise, Postal: Brain Damaged, and its as crazy and as manic as ever! Maria takes an indepth look at this new, insane, First Person Boomer Shooter!

Stop the Hate! Why Return to Monkey Island is going to be Incredible!!

Stop the Hate! Maria addressed the hate given to the makers of Return of Monkey Island and why you should be excited for new game in the series!

Angels of the Zariman: Warframe’s next era is for new players too

MMOs can be fickle beasts to jump into for new players. Warframe’s Angels of the Zariman update looks to make the onboarding process just a little bit easier as the game’s Origin System enters a new era.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land Constructs a World of Liminal Space

The Kirby franchise has always flirted with elements of horror just under the surface, but the newest entry, Kirby and the Forgotten Land, kicks that up to 11 with its eerie liminal spaces. Tyler looks at what “liminality” is and why it’s so damn important to this game!

Chernobylite Review – An Enjoyable Horror Shooter RPG Mystery Game

Do you have a radioactive itch for the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Fallout? Chernobylite may be the answer.
by Dan Morris | May 16, 2022 | , , , , , ,

Unpacking Game Review: It’s A Moving Narrative!

Local Box enthusiast Amelia dives into the cardboard and packing peanuts of Unpacking... part block fitting puzzle, part home decoration, it's a very moving experience.

Monthly Gaming Update: May 2022

Your monthly dose of all the gaming goodness that’s coming in May 2022. We do the work, so you don't have to.
by Dan Morris | May 3, 2022 | , , , , ,

Elden Ring: A Literal Pain In the Ass

After 100 hours and countless deaths playing Elden Ring it appears I’ve bruised more than my ego. Lower back gamer pain is real and here are some fitness games to help keep your body nimble for more punishment.

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ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is the First Great Game of the Year

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is the first great game of the year and a fitting sequel to ENDER LILIES. This Metroidvania got its hooks into Iain and never let go. Let him tell you why.
by Iain McParlandFebruary 12, 2025
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