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Dear Uncle Alice: A Fan Letter!

What songs or artists have you listened to that help you through rough times? Replayer Shana writes a fan letter to Alice Cooper.
by Shana Martin | August 6, 2021 | ,

Why That One Moment in Loki Meant So Much

The Loki series plants a seed for greater bisexual/pansexual visibility, and Stef W shares what that means to her after nearly three decades of misunderstandings.

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part I – Featuring Amelia Brown & Cassandre Federowicz

Candace features Amelia Brown and Cassandre Federowicz in the first of a series of interviews with female Replayers having an open, candid discussion of their journey as gamers and how their experience has changed over the years.

Alison Haislip: The Actress and Gamer On Why Sex Is Funny

Brandy sits down with Alison Haislip for an in-depth discussion about life, gaming, and her new amazing show.

I’m Not a Gamer, but I AM a Replayer!

You don’t have to be a gamer to enjoy Retro Replay. Shana Martin shares her story of being a dedicated Replayer who isn't a gamer, and how she's had to navigate that when socializing with other Replayers.
by Shana Martin | March 14, 2021 | ,

Are Cons Coming Back This Year?

If you were lucky in 2020, then at the beginning of the year you were able to catch a few spring Comic Cons before the pandemic hit the world. If not… well… you lived through a full year without them. The real question is not if we can survive another year without them but if they can survive another year?

Why In The World Would Anyone Play SIMS?

Escape to a world where you can be the main character and live out a life that you actually have control of. Or maybe you just wet yourself? Brandy shares some of her hilarious adventures playing The Sims 4.

Should I Start Streaming?

Is streaming something you've wanted to do, but you're not sure how to get started? Are your friends streaming and you're feeling like you should, too? Stephanie Watson answers some of the first questions most streamers have when they're getting started, from what to stream, what software and equipment you'll need to get started, and what to expect when building a community around your streaming channel.
by Stef Watson | February 5, 2021 | ,

End Of An Era: A Thank You to Supernatural

After a legendary 15 years on air, Supernatural came to an end in 2020. Now, you can think whatever you want of how they chose to close down the series, we simply can’t go by the fact how many people this show helped along the way. Including me. (Trigger warning: this article discusses depression and suicidal tendencies.)
by Art of Lily K | January 29, 2021 | ,

An Argument For Trash Talk

What is the point of trash-talking? Is it to annoy the person in front of you, or do you want to psych out your opponent like the great Muhammad Ali or Macho Man Randy Savage?
by Josh Neff | January 19, 2021 | ,
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PlayStation’s State Of Play Absolutely Cooked!

The PlayStation State of Play showcase was amazing this February. Ben goes through all the new games, and what they're all about in today's article!
by Ben HazellFebruary 17, 2025
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