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Category: Books & Comics

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Can we Please Ditch the Snyder-verse for a Buddy Cop Superhero Film?

What’s large, gray, and doesn't matter? Zack Snyder irrelevant Universe. Let’s add a little Blue and Gold to the next adventure. Josh’s take on why Booster Gold and Blue Beetle can be good for the DCU.
by Josh Neff | March 14, 2022 | , ,

Gears Of War: Ephyra Rising Book Review

With the Locust war over and the planet Sera now at peace, Humanity must now determine how to reconstruct what was lost from the little they have left. Michael A. Stackpole (Star Wars, World Of Warcraft) looks to deliver some insight into what that entails in the newest Gears Of War novel, Ephyra Rising. Here’s Jake Brown’s review on the book based on the popular Xbox video game series.
by Jake Brown | February 22, 2022 | , ,

House of the Dragon Trailer Breakdown

House of the Dragon’s first official teaser trailer was released in October, to great acclaim and excitement (and maybe some nerves). In this article, let’s examine what we can expect from the first ferocious season.

The Dune We’ve Been Waiting For

Has Denis Villeneuve created an adaptation of Frank Herbert's epic novel Dune that satisfies long-time fans and new viewers alike? Stephanie Watson shares her reflections after seeing the film.

Spider-Man: A Hero In All Of Us

Fill up your web cartridges and swing on down as Jake Brown shares how The Amazing Spider-Man became a hero and role model for him and countless others around the world.
by Jake Brown | June 25, 2021 | , ,

Mike Drucker Talks About Games, Writing, and His Book Silent Hill 2

Mike Drucker is a writer and comedian living in New York City where he works as the co-head writer and co-executive producer of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and recently published a book about Silent Hill 2. Lily K sits down with Mike for an interview about his career, his favorite video games, and the book itself!
by Art of Lily K | March 27, 2021 | , ,

Are Cons Coming Back This Year?

If you were lucky in 2020, then at the beginning of the year you were able to catch a few spring Comic Cons before the pandemic hit the world. If not… well… you lived through a full year without them. The real question is not if we can survive another year without them but if they can survive another year?

The C-List Heroes We Need in the DC Cinematic Universe

After a series of mixed results, where can DC go for fresh superhero story material without another reboot? The answer may be in the C-list characters from a little known but well-written comic series.

Star Wars: The Good, The Bad & The Indifferent

Star Wars is a story that binds us together, flowing through our imaginations, keeping the human spirit bound to the determination to make the galaxy a better place. Whatever story, timeline or character you are drawn to keep the imagination alive for the next generations.

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We Went to Area 15’s John Wick Experience

We got a first look at the John Wick Experience, open at Area 15 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This immersive experience brings you into the Continental Hotel and offers you a seat at the High Table- but will you take it?
by Andrea CarterMarch 15, 2025
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