Ever wonder how different Power Rangers could have been if the series had more mature storylines and less corny dialogue? Here are some ways the comics improved the tv series in many ways.
In a world where everything is about keeping up with the trends and being on time, it can be frustrating to be an artist. But there are perks of being a slow artist. Let me share them with you.
Rohan checks out fellow aussie Alan Baxter’s urban fantasy novel Bound to see if this novel’s as breathtaking and enjoyable as its blurb proclaimed. It’s got magic, monsters and cage fighting so if nothing else it looks to be a wild ride.
Lor San Tekka appeared briefly in the Star Wars sequel films, but Stef theorizes that he'll appear in the Ahsoka series given the San Tekka family business.
Have you ever thought about playing Dungeons and Dragons? D&D devotee Kim talks about the game’s major comeback and why there’s never been a better time to get involved.
“Every night the same dream and every morning the same nightmare.” Wanda Maximoff has had a rough ride in the MCU, but her tragic story is one of, if not the best, that Marvel has brought to the big screen. Join us as we dive into the story of the Scarlet Witch! And let us know what your favorite character arc is.
Legendary hero Zorro is now over a century old. Shana steps through some of Zorro's biggest historical milestones that are keeping Zorro's legend alive.
Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true; questions are permitted.”