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Lizabeth Phoenix
Lizabeth Phoenix is an author, nerd, and queen of fandom rambles. After being introduced to the Uncharted franchise by the world’s biggest Sly Cooper fan, Liza never looked back. She is obsessed with all things George R. R. Martin and Nathan Drake, and can be found most days with her face buried in her laptop working on her novels.

Rise of the Beasts: A New Era of Transformers

A new era of Cybertron is upon us! Liza breaks down what you can expect from the new Transformers movie, and how it differs from Michael Bay's franchise.
by Lizabeth Phoenix | December 19, 2022 | , ,

Book Culture is Becoming Pop Culture – Here’s Why

While action franchises are taking over the big screen, book culture is starting to rule TV. Liza lists book-based shows to keep an eye on.

The 10 COOLEST SCENES To Expect in House of the Dragon

Here's a breakdown of the coolest and perhaps most anticipated moments from the House of the Dragon show premiering August 21st.

Here’s Why Gaming Isn’t a Waste of Time

Liza examines why gaming can actually be really good for your overall mental health. Not just a waste of time, huh?

Elden Ring: To Cheese or Not to Cheese?

FromSoftware's games are notoriously difficult, and Elden Ring is no different. In fact, this game boasts one of the hardest bosses in the developer's history! Liza and Erika team up to tackle their favorite gaming question: to cheese, or not to cheese?

Prime 1 Studio Reveals Their Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake Statue!

Prime 1 Studio recently revealed it's highly-anticipated Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake statue! As an avid fan of the franchise, Liza takes a quick dive into the Easter eggs she spotted during the Showcase.

House of the Dragon: The Main Who’s Who

Liza gives you the big who's who of HBO's upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon. Skip the confusion that is the Targaryen family tree and get right to the power players you need to know before watching.

WTF Just Happened in Outlander? S6, E8, “I Am Not Alone”

Liza teams up with Couch Soup's own Drewseph J Drewsephine to recap and discuss Outlander's Season 6 finale, including why this season felt so different from seasons 1-5.

WTF Just Happened in Outlander? S6, E7, “Sticks and Stones”

Liza gets petty about the cliffhanger in Outlander Season 6, Episode 7, "Sticks and Stones," and the Frasers find themselves under siege. With the finale next week, there's very little time left to solve Malva's murder, and Claire may have to answer for crimes she didn't commit.

Is a New Sly Cooper Game ACTUALLY Confirmed?!

Should Sly Cooper fans get excited that a new game is in the works? There might be enough evidence out there to say one way or another! Liza breaks it all down so you can decide if it's time to get just a *little* excited (or a lot!).
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QUIZ: Assassin’s Creed Knowledge Check

Do you think you have what it takes to join the ranks of the Assassins in their fight against the Templars? Prove your knowledge of the Assassins Creed franchise with these select trivia questions. “Answers are true; questions are permitted.”
by Jake BrownMarch 19, 2025
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