Enhancing Healthcare Business Growth Through Simple Video Games

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| April 8, 2023
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Promoting growth in the healthcare sector is essential for businesses striving to provide exemplary services. Beyond traditional approaches, there is no doubt that integrating innovative solutions can significantly impact patient experience and overall business success. 

It is crucial to understand the many advantages of growth in the healthcare sector and why it is vital for long-term customer satisfaction and service quality. Essentially, growth not only allows healthcare providers to reach a wider audience, but also facilitates the delivery of improved and efficient services. Healthcare businesses have no choice but target growth in order to remain not only relevant but also viable. 

So, in an era where healthcare expenses are under constant scrutiny, cost-effective growth strategies that can benefit both healthcare professionals and patients are a must-have. Enter video games, which require only a small financial investment with the potential of a high return. That being said, video games can become a secondary growth strategy, beyond ensuring that medical equipment and professional expertise are available to all patients. Yet, the positive impact on patient satisfaction and overall experience can lead to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals. 

Support for dementia patients

The integration of simple video games can prove highly effective in supporting dementia patients in the modern healthcare environment. Dementia, a condition characterized by cognitive decline, often leaves individuals struggling with memory loss and diminished mental acuity. So, where do video games come into play?  Video games that are specifically tailored to address the unique needs of dementia patients can offer a therapeutic avenue for cognitive stimulation and engagement. 

Which games are suitable for dementia patients? Typically, games that involve a simple task, such as pattern recognition, like in the Suika game, easy memory exercises and problem-solving challenges, are a great fit. They provide a structure and enjoyable mental stimulation, which can significantly enhance patients’ cognitive function. Often, the repetitive nature of these games can also help memory recall and reinforce neural pathways in dementia patients. 

Besides, there’s an element of interaction and visual stimulation which can captivate the attention of dementia patients. This can help soothe the anxiety of day-to-day life with dementia and trigger positive emotions. So, there is a lot to gain when you introduce these patients to carefully selected games. 

Creating inviting waiting room

Nobody likes waiting rooms. They are dull, boring, and typically uncomfortable. Unfortunately, patients do not have a choice, and they are sometimes stuck waiting for an appointment for an extended period of time. As such, the desire to transform waiting rooms can be a strategic move that goes beyond mere aesthetics. It is a key component in enhancing the overall patient experience. 

Waiting rooms are traditionally associated with anxiety and anticipation. But can healthcare businesses reinvent them by integrating simple and cozy video games into the space? The addition of interactive games can not only alleviate stress but also create a positive and engaging atmosphere. 

Patients can attend a waiting room that is enhanced with video games. This would provide a great distraction, especially if they have a long time to wait for their appointments. The immersive and entertaining nature of these games can be the diversion they need, ensuring they can attend their appointment feeling more relaxed. This can be crucial when it comes to boosting the relationship between doctors and patients. More often than not, an unwelcoming experience in the waiting room can affect the interaction between healthcare professionals and their patients. So, helping people feel welcome from the start can help create a sense of trust and honesty, which will be instrumental to making more accurate diagnoses. 

Stress reduction for anxious patients

There is always some level of stress in any healthcare facility. But, some patients may become excessively anxious during their appointments, which can hinder healthcare services and make it tough to deliver the support they need.

This could be young children, for example, or people struggling with anxiety disorders. For these individuals, the introduction of simple and accessible video games can provide the distraction needed to manage stress and fear. 

Games as a stress relief solution can create a more positive experience for patients. For example, nervous patients could have preferred access to heathcare tablets equipped with games (young children and individuals unlikely to have mobile devices). Similarly, appointments with nervous individuals could also be fitted with gaming tablets, allowing the person to actively play and reduce stress levels at the start of the consultation, or during the major part of the appointment as long as it doesn’t distract from the necessary examination.

While social rules have taught us to put down mobile devices during conversations, the truth is that for someone with anxiety, these could be all the distraction they need to be able to make the most of their medical appointment. 

In conclusion, there is room for introducing simple, accessible, and affordable video games to your practice in an effort to make healthcare services more welcoming, helpful, and relaxing for all patients.

What are your thoughts on incorporating video games into the healthcare model? Let us know in the comments below!

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