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Senua Looks Unreal!

hello world!
Dan Morris
| March 23, 2023
hello world!

We got a surprise look at the upcoming Senua’s Saga, which looks incredible!

Yesterday during the State of Unreal presentation, Ninja Theory representatives took to the stage to talk about the latest tech they are using for game development. 

Vladimir Mastilović of Epic Games and Melina Juergens of Ninja Theory and the Performance Capture Artist for Senua talked about the software MetaHuman within Unreal Engine 5, which they are using for the development of Senua’s Saga Hellblade II. Now there is a new plugin MetaHuman Animator. This new software allows developers to create realistic and detailed performance capture without requiring expensive and elaborate hardware.

You can even use an iPhone to do performance capture. They did it live on stage with Melina, showcasing her performance on an iPhone and then rendering the recording on the spot into a realistic and truly impressive digital performance. This is a lot of technical jargon, but what it translates to is the ability for people to make incredible motion capture to be used for games or films.

In a grand finale, we saw the latest taste of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 since the gameplay reveal at the 2021 Game Awards. It’s only about a minute of footage, but it is incredible to see and immensely powerful, especially if you are a fan impatiently waiting for the next game, like me. Watching the small piece brought tears to my eyes and goosebumps on my arms from the sheer excitement I felt. I absolutely loved Hellblade and how stunning it looked for a 2017 game, and its successor is sure to be jaw droppingly gorgeous.

Here is the new in-engine scene for your eyeballs to devour:

Full Scene

Aww, she’s having fun

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