This week... KENA BRIDGE OF SPIRITS! That's right we are talking about a video game trailer! The one with all those incredibly cute, little nugs! Let's breakdown the game's design to the game mechanics to story design and more!
Episode 5 of The Acolyte is here, and it’s the best one yet! Join Thomas Richards as he breaks down the fights and mysteries in this episode of The Acolyte.
April fools brings the surprise of a new Sonic game and character death; Ben played it and shares his thoughts on if this is a joke or actually worth your while.
Sucker Punch Productions’ original Master Thief, Sly Cooper, stole the hearts of many gamers, and the fandom is still going strong. Lizabeth Phoenix makes a case as to why this smooth criminal deserves a return on PlayStation 5.
The killer that just won’t die, the secretly beautiful girl behind glasses, the villain always seems to be British. Clichés are everywhere these days. Let’s dive into some great, and some not so great clichés, while we ignore that explosion right behind us!
It’s been a fantastic year for gaming! With loads of excellent games releasing in 2024, our very own contributors have been weighing in with their own personal picks for Game of the Year 2024!
Were you able to get a hold of a shiny new console that you have been waiting oh so patiently all year for? No? Me either, but that's ok, as the start to 2022 is thankfully a bit slow. Here are all the biggest gaming releases coming in January 2022!
What is Okami and why is everyone so excited for this sequel? Consider this your crash course in all things Capcom & Clover Studio's Okami and its upcoming Okami Sequel.