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Three Animated Star Wars Characters We Need in Live-Action

One of the great things about the live-action shows in the Star Wars universe is the addition of characters we got to know through animated stories. Let's examine three more that could make an impact and why we need to see them.

A Guide to Awards Season: Stop Being so Salty!

Awards aren’t for everyone, and there’s no better time to remind people of that than awards season. Just remember, if your favorite doesn’t win, it’s not the end of the world. Here are some tips to avoid your internal salt implosion in the coming weeks!

Farewell Matpat – Breaking down your legacy as you ride off into the sunset

Ever heard of Matpat? How about Game Theory? Whether you have or not, join Rohan as he strolls down memory lane following the announcement that Matpat is leaving hosting duties for the channels and to say thank you to the guy for all he's done for his fans.
by Rohan Elliott | January 21, 2024 | ,

Unfortunate Astronauts, Not So Noble Knights and Plenty of Dark Humor – Our Exclusive Interview With the Super Talented People at MAKE Originals

If you like Love, Death & Robots then we have something that will scratch that itch. MAKE Originals is a terrific animation studio with some dark but hilarious animated micro-shorts that are sure to make you giggle just as much and they shock you. We got to sit down with the team from MAKE and learn more about this talented group of animators and what to expect from them in the future.
by Nick McKay | January 16, 2024 | ,

Mickey Mouse, and a List of Other Big IP Public Domain’s Coming by 2034

A version of Mickey Mouse, Steamboat Willie, has entered the public domain. What the heck does that mean, and why did it happen?! We do our best to explain the intricacies of copyright law (in a fun way, we promise) and look 10 years into the future to see what properties are next!

Why Boomers and Gen Z’ers Have it Easy

Do you remember a time before the interwebs? You're old! Do you only know a time with the interwebs? You're too young!! Do you know both? Then you are right where you need to be. Take this journey with the rest of us in-betweeners so you know how much harder we have it than you!
by Michelle Holstine | January 7, 2024 | ,

10 Questions With Michael Witwer: Featuring Dragons, Mysteries, and a Side of Heroes’ Feast

New York Times Best Selling author Michael Witwer sits down to talk about life, writing, and we even threw a little Dungeons and Dragons his way. We had the questions, he has the answers.

From Hangovers to Heartwarming: Why Bluey Isn’t Just Another Kids’ Show

Let's dive into the incredibly popular kids show that's more than just a kids show. Find out why you should be watching Bluey, kids or no kids
by Tim Beisiegel | December 13, 2023 | ,

Fortnite’s Booty Battle Royale: Fans Demand Respect for Solid Snake’s Backside!

Metal Gear Solid's own Solid Snake is landing in Fortnite this season but Epic Games forgot to make him dummy thicc, this needs to be fixed ASAP.
by Jake Brown | December 12, 2023 | , ,

Godzilla’s Musical Roar: A Look Back to the 1998 Soundtrack

The soundtrack from 1998’s Godzilla movie starring Matthew Broderick may, in fact, be better than the movie. Here are some reasons why and some songs you should be paying attention to.
by Tim Beisiegel | December 4, 2023 | , ,

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Attack on Titan: THE LAST ATTACK Review – The Definitive Ending?

Attack on Titan: The Last Attack has hit cinemas around the globe, but is this film worth seeing if you’ve already seen the original episodes? Tom is here to give his thoughts on if it’s worth it.
by Thomas RichardsMarch 8, 2025
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