Are you struggling to make sense of review scores? Here are some great tips to help sift through the noise and find your truth within the chaos of review score aggregators! It’s just the thing you’ll need with The Game Awards and Oscars fast approaching.
Every year, there are new Holiday films, and Hallmark has a whole channel for them. But the best Holiday films were when GenX was young. Join Charlotte and fellow GenXers for their favorite holiday movies!
Rohan breaks down the recent Escapist resignations and possibly lapses into a psychotic break about the state of the creative industry in 2023. Let's see where it takes us.
The first guests, including the Storytime speaker, are announced for PAX Aus 2023! Join Thomas Richards as he gives you the rundown on the latest PAX Aus info drop.
The latest trailer for the upcoming Toho Films Godzilla Minus One dropped with some awesome Kaiju action and a release date, but is this new film a remake of the original classic?
Attack on Titan: The Last Attack has hit cinemas around the globe, but is this film worth seeing if you’ve already seen the original episodes? Tom is here to give his thoughts on if it’s worth it.