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Why Do People Speak In Movie Quotes?

Movie quotes. We all have our favorites. But why do some people speak in movie quotes, and what does that say about them? Join Brandy as she shares some of her favorite movie quotes of all time and dives into the WHY!
by Brandy Brown | August 24, 2023 | ,

The Best Indie Games Coming to PAX Aus 2023

The PAX Aus 2023 Indie Showcase winners have been announced, and they’re amazing. Join Thomas and Rohan as they go over their favourite games from this incredible selection.
by Thomas Richards | August 17, 2023 | , ,

Breaking Bad’s Fiery Showdown: The Ultimate Ranking of its 10 Most Explosive Characters!

Breaking Bad has a ton of terrific characters and with so many choices it’s hard to pick a favorite, so we’ll do it for you! Here are our picks for the 10 best Breaking Bad universe characters. Let us know what yours are!
by Nick McKay | August 14, 2023 | ,

Nintendo and Bethesda Lead the Charge as the First Guests of PAX Aus 2023 Are Announced

PAX Aus 2023 has revealed the first wave of exhibitors, and there are some big players. Join Thomas and Rohan as they break down the announcement and share their thoughts on this first wave.

Doctor Who: 60 Years of Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey Adventure

Before Doc Brown said “Great Scott!” and before Bill and Ted told us to be excellent to each other, there was an old man in a stolen time machine. We’ve been watching his (and her) stories for the past 60 years. Charlotte looks at a little of Doctor Who history, and shares some of her favorite episodes.

Monster Hunter? Niantic Can’t Even Handle Pokémon!

Niantic, the AR mobile game giant, recently revealed they’re making a Monster Hunter game. Here’s why you shouldn’t be so quick to celebrate the news.

Why Bo-Katan Kryze is One of the Best Characters in Star Wars

Bo-Katan Kryze is one of the best characters in Star Wars. Let me tell you why the new leader of Mandalore’s singular motivation makes her the most interesting and screen-worthy figure in the universe.

Dungeons and Dragons: A Movie For All or Just the Fans?

Does Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves rise above the bad press its namesake carries to deliver a romp that we've been missing at the movies? Lily K doesn't shy away from her anticipation of this film in this review.
by Art of Lily K | April 2, 2023 | , ,

The Video Game Adaptation Curse. Real or Fake?

Video game adaptations are cursed! Well, maybe not, but it feels like most of the time, they suck. Let’s dive right into the “why” and get to the bottom of this.
by Nick McKay | April 1, 2023 | , ,

65 – Is The Prehistoric Thriller A Hit or A Miss? 

65 was highly anticipated by audiences across the globe. Did the prehistoric thriller deliver a story that was impactful enough to win viewers over or did the film fall flat in unrealized expectations? Check out what Candace & Lily thought about the thriller and the pros and cons of how the story unraveled.
by Candace Bissonette | March 21, 2023 | , ,
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5 Reasons You Should be Nervous that Buffy is Back!

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is making its comeback! Sarah Michelle Gellar, Buffy herself, has confirmed as much on Instagram. Let us tell you why you should be nervous about this!
by Iain McParlandMarch 7, 2025
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