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Gear Up Soldier! Gears of War Is Chainsawing Its Way Onto Netflix

INCOMING! With Gears Of War's Netflix deal recently announced, devoted fan Jake Brown shares his thoughts and controversial casting choices for the upcoming film and animated series.

Rise of the Beasts: A New Era of Transformers

A new era of Cybertron is upon us! Liza breaks down what you can expect from the new Transformers movie, and how it differs from Michael Bay's franchise.
by Lizabeth Phoenix | December 19, 2022 | , ,

The Mike Flanagan Files 

Mike Flanagan is a masterful storyteller. Join us as we highlight some of his best works and projects that are on the horizon for this wizard of the screen.
by Art of Lily K | September 7, 2022 | , ,

Will we see Lor San Tekka in the Star Wars Ahsoka series?

Lor San Tekka appeared briefly in the Star Wars sequel films, but Stef theorizes that he'll appear in the Ahsoka series given the San Tekka family business.
by Stef Watson | August 29, 2022 | , ,

The 10 COOLEST SCENES To Expect in House of the Dragon

Here's a breakdown of the coolest and perhaps most anticipated moments from the House of the Dragon show premiering August 21st.

“What The Fox?” Three Zorro Shows In Development!

Zorro may be over a century old, but 3 brand new productions are in the works, keeping the fox alive and vibrant. Shana shares her excitement for each one as a long-time Zorro fan.

Stop the Hate! Why Return to Monkey Island is going to be Incredible!!

Stop the Hate! Maria addressed the hate given to the makers of Return of Monkey Island and why you should be excited for new game in the series!

Prime 1 Studio Reveals Their Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake Statue!

Prime 1 Studio recently revealed it's highly-anticipated Uncharted 4 Nathan Drake statue! As an avid fan of the franchise, Liza takes a quick dive into the Easter eggs she spotted during the Showcase.

House of the Dragon: The Main Who’s Who

Liza gives you the big who's who of HBO's upcoming Game of Thrones prequel series House of the Dragon. Skip the confusion that is the Targaryen family tree and get right to the power players you need to know before watching.

Is a New Sly Cooper Game ACTUALLY Confirmed?!

Should Sly Cooper fans get excited that a new game is in the works? There might be enough evidence out there to say one way or another! Liza breaks it all down so you can decide if it's time to get just a *little* excited (or a lot!).

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We Went to Area 15’s John Wick Experience

We got a first look at the John Wick Experience, open at Area 15 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This immersive experience brings you into the Continental Hotel and offers you a seat at the High Table- but will you take it?
by Andrea CarterMarch 15, 2025
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