The tenth installment of the Fast and Furious franchise, Fast X, is either masterful storytelling, a happy accident, or Iain is just an apologist. Make your own mind up by reading this review!
Rohan busts out his LEGO and racing wheel to check out the new LEGO racing game, 2K Drive. Is it worth the price of admission, or is it just a pile of Kre-O? Only one way to find out.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is the latest game to get the Remake treatment with Avantgarden’s Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake. Is it a must-buy for all, newcomers, or nobody? And does this indie darling still hold up?
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is rolling into theaters with some serious firepower, and Liza's sharing exactly why you NEED to go see this heartfelt summer blockbuster.
Another season of anime has come and gone and left us with plenty of fantastic anime. Join Thomas and Stef as they fill you in on some of the amazing shows from the Summer 2023 anime season.
The PAX Aus 2024 hype cycle is in full swing with some exciting tabletop announcements! Join Tom as he breaks down all the latest tabletop news for PAX Aus 2024.
The recent announcement of the Mandalorian and Grogu movie has caused some discussion in the Star Wars community. What does it all mean? What can we look forward to? Let’s dive into it all
Could the forthcoming Xbox exclusive Hellblade 2 potentially be one of the greatest single-player adventure games for the platform on tier with PlayStation’s God of War?
Dandadan’s first season is now complete. The supernatural and alien-focused series was a bundle of chaotic energy that Iain really vibed with. Check out his review and discover why it may be the gateway anime to get people interested in anime.
The world has no shortage of romance anime, but this one is special. Join Thomas Richards as he lets you know why Horimiya has perfected the high school romance formula.