The title shall speak for itself, but in case it doesn’t: I am Chloe Frazer, I played Little Hope and now I’ll tell you my thoughts on it. Do I approve or not? You’ll find out if you read this article, because this is what I do now, while the lockdown lasts at least or maybe… a bit longer.
Obi-Wan confronts his former pupil, Darth Vader, in a stunning duel of the fates. Will Obi-Wan be strong enough to hold off the Sith Lord during ‘The Path’s’ most desperate hour? Will Darth Vader give Obi-Wan closure on a matter that’s been tormenting the Jedi Master for over a decade? Or will the emotional wounds from this new battle need further time to heal? Check out how this series concludes to set the stage for the Original Trilogy.