“The Iron Claw," a compelling wrestling film directed by Sean Durkin, dives deep into the tragic yet hopeful saga of the Von Erich family, a wrestling dynasty that ruled Dallas in the 1980s. From intense wrestling setpieces to the family's heart-wrenching struggles, the movie captures the ebbs and flows of their lives, making it a must-watch for both wrestling enthusiasts and general moviegoers alike.
His name is Bond. James Bond. And for 60 Years, and over 25 Movies, he has graced our screens as the longest running movie franchise of all time. Celebrate 60 Years of Bond with The Brothers Take as we discuss our process of ranking the 25 movies.
Final Fantasy XVI is here, but does it live up to the hype? Join Thomas Richards as he reviews the series’ latest offering and tells you why it’s a contender for game of the year.
Incision is an early-access retro first person shooter with plenty of dithered gore. With a shoot-it-until-it-dies gameplay and industrial-inspired soundtrack, this is an experience that fans of Blood, Quake, and Dusk should enjoy.
We might not be in the Overwatch golden age any longer, but Exoprimal has proven that there’s still some life to be had for hero shooters. Read on and discover how dinosaurs brought this genre back from extinction!
Naginta practitioner and instructor Charlotte looks at how the weapon itself and its use are depicted in video games. Which games are on point? Which ones are sorely lacking?
What does a busy person with limited time get sucked into when it comes to anime? Brandy shares some of her favorites as a relatively new person to this massive genre.