The Alien franchise set a precedent for both science fiction horror and for having a heroic female protagonist at the center. Matt Kalo reflects on how Alien reawakened his love for horror and took it to the next level.
Thomas Richards gives his first impressions on the heist-filled extravaganza that was Andor Episode 6 and why a certain missing character made it the best episode yet.
Local Box enthusiast Amelia dives into the cardboard and packing peanuts of Unpacking... part block fitting puzzle, part home decoration, it's a very moving experience.
65 was highly anticipated by audiences across the globe. Did the prehistoric thriller deliver a story that was impactful enough to win viewers over or did the film fall flat in unrealized expectations? Check out what Candace & Lily thought about the thriller and the pros and cons of how the story unraveled.
Lor San Tekka appeared briefly in the Star Wars sequel films, but Stef theorizes that he'll appear in the Ahsoka series given the San Tekka family business.
Dauntless is an underrated action RPG that's fun for families and friends to play together. Beth tells us why she enjoys it, how it helped her build a new circle of friends and fellow streamers, and why you should give it a try.