Joining the podcast this week are Michael and Chris to talk about new game announcements and Nolan playing Legend of Zelda on Retro Replay. Dan is still recuperating from the freeze of the southern states of the US. We discuss news from the latest updates from Sony and Nintendo.
A Void Hope has made its way to the Nintendo Switch! Is this indie pixel art game worth your time? The game clearly has heart but there might be too much void to fill. Read our review.
Korean movies never fail to surprise their audiences. Joining a line of amazing horrors is Exhuma - The Unearthed Grave, a movie that surpassed all expectations. But what is it about exactly? Is it worth your time? Let’s talk about it.
The gaming industry is well-known for running through fads, whether it be shiny new gameplay mechanics or top-to-bottom monetization schemes. So are we watching the death of live-service games in real-time?
Legendary hero Zorro is now over a century old. Shana steps through some of Zorro's biggest historical milestones that are keeping Zorro's legend alive.
PJ Haarsma interviews Jeremy Holt, author and creator of graphic novels and comic books who has reimagined and modernized The Great Gatsby in their upcoming graphic novel, GATSBY