The PlayStation 4 defines how consoles can become budget-friendly options for players who want a bang for their buck. The games themselves do serve this console justice. Here are some titles that define this console generation.
Rohan busts out his LEGO and racing wheel to check out the new LEGO racing game, 2K Drive. Is it worth the price of admission, or is it just a pile of Kre-O? Only one way to find out.
Sony’s PlayStation showcase happened this week and it was spectacular! Here’s a rundown of everything that happened and why Sony nailed it from start to finish.
Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, and Brigitte bring a ton of valuable utility to the support role in Overwatch 2. Read on to make sure you’re using these characters to their full potential!
Bursting with heart and flavors of New Caledonia, Tchia will possess your heart and never let it go. Let’s have a look at one of the most unique and beautiful indie games we’ve seen in a very long time.
PlayStation has released another State of Play. This time focusing on the upcoming game Final Fantasy 16. Thomas Richards gets you up to speed on all the new information for this beautiful-looking game.
The gaming industry is well-known for running through fads, whether it be shiny new gameplay mechanics or top-to-bottom monetization schemes. So are we watching the death of live-service games in real-time?
Michelle and Erika take over LA and Activision HQ to party with Crash Bandicoot and try the new game Crash Team Rumble! Was the game as fun as it should be, or were there some hiccups resulting in needing boosts? Read to find out!
Godzilla is a babe and it’s about time he’s recognised for that. Yeah, he’s a destructive force and a powerful monster, but can we just objectify him for a little bit? Let us tell you some of the reasons we think Godzilla is a sexy mother trucker.