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Category: Pop Culture

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Talking Zombies, Hobbits, and Mocap with Nicole Tompkins

Emmanuel had the great pleasure of speaking with Nicole Tompkins to talk about her career in performance capture, gaming, and maybe a game or two was played during the course of the interview!

Spider-Man: A Hero In All Of Us

Fill up your web cartridges and swing on down as Jake Brown shares how The Amazing Spider-Man became a hero and role model for him and countless others around the world.
by Jake Brown | June 25, 2021 | , ,

Why Korean Movies and TV Shows Should Be on Your Watch List

Lily K shares why Bong Joon Ho's filmmaking will convince you to start watching Korean movies and TV shows. Read about some projects that will get you hyped for the future in international filmmaking.

Michele Morrow Talks to us about Gaming, Healing, and Esports

After being our guest on Retro Replay, Michele Morrow sat down to talk with us about how our lives are impacted by gaming and how esports is evolving toward equality. She also shares her own personal story about healing through gaming.

Let’s Reframe the Matt Mercer Effect on D&D

Critical Role took Dungeons and Dragons from niche nerdom into pop culture, but how has it changed expectations for folks who are just getting into D&D? Let's explore.
by 7whitewolf15 | May 4, 2021 | ,

Alison Haislip: The Actress and Gamer On Why Sex Is Funny

Brandy sits down with Alison Haislip for an in-depth discussion about life, gaming, and her new amazing show.

RIP Adobe Flash: The Games We’re Going To Miss

As the internet enters a new decade, one of its titans bids us farewell after 25 years. Let’s all send Adobe’s flagship into the night the way it arrived all those years ago - not with a whimper, but with an almighty bang.
by Rohan Elliott | February 17, 2021 | , , ,

Star Wars: The Good, The Bad & The Indifferent

Star Wars is a story that binds us together, flowing through our imaginations, keeping the human spirit bound to the determination to make the galaxy a better place. Whatever story, timeline or character you are drawn to keep the imagination alive for the next generations.

Hidden Gems Of YouTube In 2020

This year, a lot of YouTube channels flourished during the ongoing global crisis. Here are some of this writer’s personal favorites.
by Michael Saint Gregory | December 31, 2020 |
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Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds Is Looking Amazing!

Sonic Racing CrossWorlds has finally had its first trailer, and it gave us a lot. Join Tom as he tells you why this could be the best Sonic Racing game yet.
by Thomas RichardsFebruary 24, 2025
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