Visceral Games's Dead Space 2 had the most punk rock marketing campaign for a video game of all time, and it's not even close. The "Your Mom Hates Dead Space 2" campaign pissed off moms across the nation and delighted gamers worldwide.
Call of Duty Black Ops 6 is just around the corner, and Iain has been playing the Beta. Yeah, it’s more Call of Duty, but is that a bad thing? Let us tell you from the perspective of an absolute bot.
Alan Wake is voiced by American actor Matthew Poretta and portrayed by Finnish actor Ilkka Villi- but why is one character played by two performers? Why would Sam Lake and Remedy Entertainment do this to us?
As an avid simmer, I've had a love-hate relationship with the franchise. From wild jungle adventures to the occult to wild weather forecasts and even better babies, there are plenty of reasons for an avid simmer like myself to love playing The Sims 4.
As an avid simmer, I've had a love-hate relationship with the franchise. From stayovers to animals that are just objects and even the terrifying travel loading screen, there are plenty of reasons for an avid simmer like myself to want to "rage quit" The Sims 4.
Another awesome Metroidvania has been released in the year 2024: Bo: Parth of the Teal Lotus. This hand-drawn 2D action platformer from Squid Shock inspired by Japanese folklore and legends is absolutely worth your time, and here’s why.
Step into the Star Wars universe like never before with the Bounty Hunter Enhanced Edition, featuring stunning visuals and modern controls across all major platforms. Curious if this revamped classic lives up to the hype? Uncover whether it’s worth your credits and a must-play for every Star Wars fan.
Indika is one of the weirdest gaming experiences of 2024. This trippy game explores one nun’s relationship with her religion but in a fun way. Let us tell you why this is simply a must-play!
PAX Aus 2024 is fast approaching, and with that fast approach comes a whole bunch of new indie games to get excited for. Join Rohan as he breaks down some of the games that caught his eye.
ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is the first great game of the year and a fitting sequel to ENDER LILIES. This Metroidvania got its hooks into Iain and never let go. Let him tell you why.
Bioware Games have been front and center in Brandy’s gaming collection for years. Find out why and how she feels about some of the decisions EA has made lately.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League is winding down. The final season is upon us, and Rocksteady is moving on to other projects. It’s not a good game, but let us tell you why it’s not ALL bad. There’s definitely some fun to be had!
Jordan is eagerly waiting for Assassin’s Creed Shadows. To prepare, he is looking at his top three AC games! Which ones make the list? Read more to find out.
It’s been a fantastic year for gaming! With loads of excellent games releasing in 2024, our very own contributors have been weighing in with their own personal picks for Game of the Year 2024!
Iain has been on a Metroidvania kick in 2024, and he’s played a lot of them. He’s compiled a list of 5 Metroidvanias you MUST play that were released in 2024, and here’s why. He’s serious btw. GO PLAY THEM!
There's a new grim The Sims 4 pack, but is it worth the download? From new careers to new create-a-sim features to better ghosts to tarot cards and even funerals, this new pack has plenty of favorable new features!
Long weekend, meet short games. Here are six games you can absolutely jam out completely over a long weekend in less than five hours. Also, these games don't suck so we can ensure it's time well spent.