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Silent Hill 2 and MGS: Twin Snakes remake? Fans are tensing butt cheeks again…

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Maria Kinnun
| September 19, 2022
hello world!

So we have news that Konami is possibly working on a remake of MGS: Twin Snakes and Silent Hill 2! About fucking time, don’t you think?

The latest article from Tech4Gamers gave details that an announcement of these new games is to be expected! 

MGS: Twin Snakes and Silent Hill 2 Remake Announcement Expected (

Excuse me while I reserve my party poppers for when I actually have a damn game in my hand! So far, Konami’s tickling of Silent Hill fans has been the announcement of… wait for it…

I think it’s about time Konami took a shit or got off the pot. I am passionate about this, and my ass is a little salty! I have written articles about the constant, ongoing tease of a new Silent Hill game, and to be honest, I’m getting a little eye-rolling with the constant rumors than turn out to be nothing. Check out my article here! I even had a good old rant on the Replayer Podcast about this recently with fellow contributors Dan Morris, Jake Brown, and Patrick Sutherland!

Konami has seriously been sitting on a gold mine with these IPs and doing nothing with them except releasing Silent Hill Skateboards and Pachinko machines or bad franchise games that no one cares about (Metal Gear Survive, anyone?) The Silent Hill and Metal Gear games are so iconic, and a remake of these original games would be an instant hit! Fans, like myself, have been desperate for remakes of these games for years and have been let down every time a hint was made that these games would see the light of day. It is mind-blowing to me that Konami hasn’t jumped on this demand already. Fans have even gone so far as to make their own versions of these games and rebuild them from scratch just so they could dream… 

Check these out! I would play the shit out of some Metal Gear Solid VR!

And Silent Hill in the Unreal 5 Engine?? Sign me the fuck up to shit my pants!

Let’s just hope that this time we really are going to get the remakes of these iconic games that we have been so desperate for. And let’s hope that they get the love they deserve and be remakes that use the power of next gen to blow our minds. Not a new game in the shape of a pachinko machine or a skateboard because I swear to God, Konami!! If you do, I will hunt you down! 

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