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Did the Mandalorian Save Star Wars?

A look into The Mandalorian series and how it may have saved Star Wars?
by Art of Lily KDecember 17, 2020

Nostalgia: Was It Really That Good?

Ever wonder if the toys and shows from your childhood were really as cool as you remember? We take a look to see if the things you're nostalgic for are really that good.
by Aaron BDecember 7, 2020

How my love of the Harry Potter universe grew, from the first book to where it is now

Michelle shares her story of how a chance gift from her grandparents launched a passionate fandom for all things Harry Potter.
by Michelle HolstineNovember 19, 2020

If B Movies Can Kill: Trancers Edition

Imagine a time before streaming videos when movie rental stores had not only the latest and greatest movie, also unknown B movies you hear about from family and friends. The Trancers sci-fi film series we such B movies, and, in spite of some unusual plot choices and lower-budget productions, they're worth checking out.
by Josh NeffNovember 16, 2020

Storytelling Across Both Games and Film

Forty years ago, video games were video games, and films were films. Video games were simple, and the film industry wasn't eager to produce a Pong sports drama or a Pac-man action-adventure.
by Stef WatsonNovember 16, 2020
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Did the Mandalorian Save Star Wars?

A look into The Mandalorian series and how it may have saved Star Wars?
by Art of Lily KDecember 17, 2020

Nostalgia: Was It Really That Good?

Ever wonder if the toys and shows from your childhood were really as cool as you remember? We take a look to see if the things you're nostalgic for are really that good.
by Aaron BDecember 7, 2020

How my love of the Harry Potter universe grew, from the first book to where it is now

Michelle shares her story of how a chance gift from her grandparents launched a passionate fandom for all things Harry Potter.
by Michelle HolstineNovember 19, 2020

If B Movies Can Kill: Trancers Edition

Imagine a time before streaming videos when movie rental stores had not only the latest and greatest movie, also unknown B movies you hear about from family and friends. The Trancers sci-fi film series we such B movies, and, in spite of some unusual plot choices and lower-budget productions, they're worth checking out.
by Josh NeffNovember 16, 2020

Storytelling Across Both Games and Film

Forty years ago, video games were video games, and films were films. Video games were simple, and the film industry wasn't eager to produce a Pong sports drama or a Pac-man action-adventure.
by Stef WatsonNovember 16, 2020
1 50 51 52

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