After being our guest on Retro Replay, Michele Morrow sat down to talk with us about how our lives are impacted by gaming and how esports is evolving toward equality. She also shares her own personal story about healing through gaming.
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CANCELLED? Arcane is getting canceled after season two? Well, yes. But there is more to it than that. Let’s talk about what's happening, what we are getting, and what's coming in the future. Fear not Arcanians - there is a light at the end of the tunnel!
When the credits roll on the Uncharted Movie you may have a good time but does it give you that same warm feeling of Uncharted games that the movie is based on? Maria gives her thoughts on the new Uncharted movie and its failure to capture the franchise.
Rohan dives into the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection to see if it's all kinds of radical and worth your money or whether its better to just find an emulator.