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King Of Toilet Games: From An Expert Sitter

hello world!
Shana Martin
| June 11, 2022
hello world!

As a cell phone/ tablet user, you may be wondering, what exactly qualifies me to be an expert sitter? Well, since this is meant to be a short article, I’ll simply show you. What? Were you actually expecting a picture of me on the toilet?

Regarding the meaning of the phrase Toilet Game I consulted Urban Dictionary to provide a definition:

“A game of any kind that may be played using one hand; therefore leaving one hand free to brace yourself, wipe, etc.”

Certainly, any app game that fits this criterion would be considered a toilet game, but what is the perfect game to play while visiting ‘John’? Typically it’s just a few minutes; occasionally, an individual might want to ‘shoot the breeze,’ contemplate the meaning of life, or what they want for dinner before returning to the task they left.

Bearing in mind that time is of the essence, I present two app games that, in my opinion, are the perfect way to spend those few minutes. Both are from the same company, King. I’m fairly certain you have a mobile device and are quite familiar with this developer and their most popular game, Candy Crush Saga. If you aren’t, here is a short video on the company’s history.

I love bubble pop games! I prefer Bubble Witch 3 Saga over its predecessors.  

The graphics are clean, and the theme and colors give a warm, cozy feel.   

Watching this will give you an idea of what the levels are like. 

My favorite levels are the ghost levels. Billy is the name of the little ghost that the player is helping reunite with his family by popping bubbles!  The player is also given four kittens. Each has its own magical power-up that lasts 30 mins.


This article wouldn’t be complete without something with Candy Crush in it. I picked  Candy Crush Friends Saga. It has all the same elements as all previous games, in a bite-size form. The player is given a friend with a special power-up; the player must collect a certain number of candies to charge up the special ability. There are 11 characters with a multitude of costumes to choose from. Each costume gives the characters a different personality. See Yeti’s victory dance as a werewolf

Both of these games not only fit within the parameters of the definition, but with all the power-ups, whether it’s from cute magical kittens or the friends from Candy Crush Saga, you can power through levels and get high scores while you do business with John. Also, please don’t forget to wash your hands.

You tell us. What is your favorite toilet game?

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