Giovanni Lipari is the lead designer for the impressive, and well received, costumes on Paramount+’s new highly anticipated series: Halo. Here he gives some insight to the process and background on the show itself with Luis Reza in an interview from the perspective of an aspiring filmmaker.
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Leverage: Redemption Season 3 begins on April 17th on Amazon Prime Video. But is this mix between a heist show and The A-Team work, and is it worth your time?
Hello there! Looking back at the release of the Kenobi series on Disney Plus, did you like it? If not, what was it that didn't work? Maybe we can help you look at Kenobi from a certain point of view …. Let's dig in.
Fascinated by a series where humanity faces extinction and that the only hope is that there is a tomorrow, Gears of War enthusiast Jake Brown tells a tale of how a game unexpectedly brought him friendship, love, and a bright future.