The Boy and The Heron, the latest film from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, has hit theatres, but does it live up to its reputation? Join Thomas Richards as he reviews the latest from this critically acclaimed team.
Rick and Morty’s post-Roiland Season 7 continues! In two standalone episodes, we catch up with Summer and Morty in a Total Recall / Taken mashup, and we ask the question: what happened to Water-T after getting schwifty?
A double feature! We couldn't decide on just one trailer today, so we went with two. First, let's look at the Gotham Knights gameplay trailer which gives us our first look at some of the mechanics of what this not-really-but-kinda Arkham Knight spin-off game will play like. Then let's elevate a lesser-known, but a great spin on the Romeo and Juliet story with Rosaline coming to Hulu
“The Iron Claw," a compelling wrestling film directed by Sean Durkin, dives deep into the tragic yet hopeful saga of the Von Erich family, a wrestling dynasty that ruled Dallas in the 1980s. From intense wrestling setpieces to the family's heart-wrenching struggles, the movie captures the ebbs and flows of their lives, making it a must-watch for both wrestling enthusiasts and general moviegoers alike.
Rohan managed to wrangle Steph and Pete from Back Pocket for an interview talking all things streaming, the Aussie media landscape, and some fund games at PAX Aus 2023.
In case you haven’t heard, there’s some exciting news floating around for all the Sly Cooper fans who have been faithfully awaiting the return of the beloved franchise!
Get your run-down of what you need to know for the impending release of Scream 6! This is the spoiler-filled full account of the Scream saga which started with The Woodsboro Murders. Ghostface is back!
Video game adaptations are cursed! Well, maybe not, but it feels like most of the time, they suck. Let’s dive right into the “why” and get to the bottom of this.
We’re almost halfway through 2024, but there are still loads of great movies still to be released this year! Take a look at our most anticipated horror movies that are due to be released in the second half of the year!
Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.
PJ Haarsma interviews Jeremy Holt, author and creator of graphic novels and comic books who has reimagined and modernized The Great Gatsby in their upcoming graphic novel, GATSBY