Local Box enthusiast Amelia dives into the cardboard and packing peanuts of Unpacking... part block fitting puzzle, part home decoration, it's a very moving experience.
PAX Aus has finally released their panel schedule for 2024. Join Rohan as he flicks through the schedule and picks out some of his must see panels this year.
Does Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves rise above the bad press its namesake carries to deliver a romp that we've been missing at the movies? Lily K doesn't shy away from her anticipation of this film in this review.
The first trailer for the Borderlands film has been released, and it looks promising. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why he’s cautiously optimistic about this new adaptation.
A Void Hope has made its way to the Nintendo Switch! Is this indie pixel art game worth your time? The game clearly has heart but there might be too much void to fill. Read our review.
With the new Transformers Rise of The Beasts trailer now out, Rohan confronts a dark truth about the Michael Bay films in the franchise and why they'll be sorely missed.
An announcement trailer for Tales of the Shire was recently released. This game is set to release on PC and all consoles at the end of 2024. You get to live out your cozy fantasy of living in the comfort of a hobbit hole and making it your own.