Sucker Punch's Ghost of Yōtei was announced at Playstation's September State of Play and protagonist Atsu is being played by Erika Ishii, but who is she and why is this perfect casting? Erika, call me if you're with it.
The penultimate episode of The Acolyte is upon us, and it’s another flashback. Join Tom as he gives his thoughts on this trip through history from a certain point of view.
The PAX Aus 2024 hype cycle is in full swing with some exciting tabletop announcements! Join Tom as he breaks down all the latest tabletop news for PAX Aus 2024.
A new era of Cybertron is upon us! Liza breaks down what you can expect from the new Transformers movie, and how it differs from Michael Bay's franchise.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Ahsoka Episode 6 was aired on Disney+. Check out the return of long lost antagonists and protagonists alike in Iain’s latest recap.
The first trailer for the Borderlands film has been released, and it looks promising. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why he’s cautiously optimistic about this new adaptation.
Hail to the King, Baby!! Boomer Shooters are coming back in a big way to blow your face off! Read about the rise of the boomer shooter, their demise, and their new, recent rip and tear out of the ashes!
Mercy, Lucio, Zenyatta, and Brigitte bring a ton of valuable utility to the support role in Overwatch 2. Read on to make sure you’re using these characters to their full potential!