See exactly how many bottles of wine it takes to get through Death on the Nile in Michelle Holstine's review of this Clue-style crime spree. Between the romances and the murders, there's plenty of drama to go around!
Legendary hero Zorro is now over a century old. Shana steps through some of Zorro's biggest historical milestones that are keeping Zorro's legend alive.
Not satisfied with how Game of Thrones ended? Don't worry HBO is giving the George R.R. Martin world of Westeros another go with the prequel series House of the Dragon. Join us for Trailer Talk as we break down the latest teaser trailer that dropped and talk about those little easter eggs hinted at in the trailer and what this means for casual viewers and fans. This may or may not lead us to spoiler territory so be warned. This is Trailer Talk.
Halo Season 2 has come to a close, so the question is, was it an improvement? Join Thomas Richards as he tells you if it is an improvement over Season 1.
Local Box enthusiast Amelia dives into the cardboard and packing peanuts of Unpacking... part block fitting puzzle, part home decoration, it's a very moving experience.
Bioware Games have been front and center in Brandy’s gaming collection for years. Find out why and how she feels about some of the decisions EA has made lately.
When it comes to new game releases, why do we always look to game reviews that can be mostly biased in what people write? Join Andrew as he dives headfirst into this subject as to why!
Elden Ring is right around the corner, which means it’s time to get serious about prep time. In this article, Liza breaks down the different stats and starting gear for each class.
With the popularity of Cocaine Bear, more and more drug-animal crossovers are being released. Here are three REAL movies being produced and three FAKE movies from Iain's dreams.
The wait is finally over, Marcus and Dom are back together in full force in The Coalition's new game trailer, Gears Of War E-Day. And yes we cried too.
Scooby Doo has been a major figure in popular culture since the 1960s, but does it get enough credit? This author’s whole life has been influenced by the habitually spooked Great Dane.
Rick and Morty’s post-Roiland Season 7 ends! The season ends with a bang, with real character development for both Rick and Morty in tales of death, resurrection and terror. Nobody will be the same again as we get ready for Season 8!