Brutality, emotion, action, cannibalism, Troy Baker being stabbed in the neck, this week’s episode of The Last of Us really had it all. We finally got to meet Ellie’s big bad evil guy, David, and boy did it deliver. Of course, it didn’t please everyone and it may be the most divided the room of The Rest of Us podcast has ever been but we loved it regardless. Like a meat cleaver to the head, let’s tear open this episode and dive right in… Was that too graphic?
The Mandalorian has returned with season 3, and it's still as action-packed as ever. Join Thomas Richards as he recaps this fast-paced season premiere.
Read our recap and review of The Last of Us HBO Episode 7 - Left Behind. What happened before Ellie met Joel? This. This is what happened. Join Ellie and Riley on an amazing night of… fun?
Marvel Snap won mobile game of the year 2022 but why exactly? Ben Hazell has been playing for months and can tell you all the details a collectible card game player needs to know.