Ever wondered how a game can be a Minesweeper-like AND a Roguelite? Well, wonder no further! The stunningly animated, Let’s! Revolution! is finally on consoles. The King better be quaking in his boots because we’re coming for that throne!
Is the Knuckles show a flop, or the latest in a line of Sonic the Hedgehog live-action successes? Ben Breaks down the first 3 episodes to see if you should watch this Sonic streaming surprise!
With the popularity of farming-life sims, it seems that there is one missing. Star Wars! Who wouldn’t want to live in the massive Star Wars Universe and make it your own?
Being a writer is hard, being a successful one is even harder at that. Join Rohan as he tries to figure out which fictional writers in pop culture are the most successful.
D&D Builds for rogues, druids, barbarians, fighters that are great for seasoned players and newcomers alike. Don't be afraid of multiclassing, in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition there are always options for everyone having fun and supporting each other.
They kidnapped a vampire. A ballerina vampire! Abigail, the new horror comedy from Universal Pictures aims to arabesque, pirouette and plié into our hearts. We tell you why it’s succeeded, and it needs to be added to your must-watch list!
Hello there! Looking back at the release of the Kenobi series on Disney Plus, did you like it? If not, what was it that didn't work? Maybe we can help you look at Kenobi from a certain point of view …. Let's dig in.
Let’s take a look at the newest cinematic universe on the block, the Twisted Childhood Universe from Jagged Edge Productions. This nightmare fuel will culminate in the Avengers-level Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble, and we deep dive into what the heck that means and why you’ll never look back at your childhood fondly again.