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House of the Dragon Reaction and Breakdown | TRAILER TALK

Not satisfied with how Game of Thrones ended? Don't worry HBO is giving the George R.R. Martin world of Westeros another go with the prequel series House of the Dragon. Join us for Trailer Talk as we break down the latest teaser trailer that dropped and talk about those little easter eggs hinted at in the trailer and what this means for casual viewers and fans. This may or may not lead us to spoiler territory so be warned. This is Trailer Talk.
by Drew LewisOctober 6, 2021

Chat With Christian Antidormi & Tlou (Part 7) ⚡️ Get Good Live – Liam Mcintyre & Todd Lasance

Joining us for the first hour is friend, actor, and all-around good guy Christian Antidormi for a fun chat. Expect some hilarious Spartacus stories. Then stay awhile us as Todd jumps back into Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us (2013)! This is part 7 part of Todd’s first-ever playthrough of the game, so you will […]
by Drew LewisOctober 3, 2021

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by Brian RimerOctober 1, 2021

Gears Keep Turning: Celebrating 10 Years of Gears Of War 3

Dust off those Retro Lancers, because Jake Brown: @JakeSteel44 is here to take you back to the year 2011 as we celebrate the 10th year anniversary of Gears Of War 3.
by Jake BrownSeptember 28, 2021

Midnight Mass Reaction and Breakdown | TRAILER TALK

Mike Flanagan brought us Haunting of Hill House and Bly Manor and now his seven-part horror series Midnight Mass is here to scare the bejesus out of you. Join us live with Trailer Talk as we break down the latest Midnight Mass trailer and talk about why we love/hate this genre. Let's talk about those major religious overtones and what Father Paul is actually up to. Also, did we spot Rahul Kohli, a past Retro Replay guest playing a sheriff? This may or may not lead us to spoiler territory so be warned. This is Trailer Talk.
by Drew LewisSeptember 28, 2021

Friends: The Show That Was There For Me

The TV show Friends is a pop culture icon and a show that reflected its time. Stef W reflects on her long-time love of the show, its groundbreaking moments, and how its humor lands differently in today's world.
by Stef WatsonSeptember 24, 2021

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part III – Featuring Maria Kinnun & Jen Miller

Can certain aspects of gaming help give your confidence a boost? Is it possible to regain a deep passion for a hobby that has taken a hiatus in your life? Check out this discussion with Maria Kinnun and Jen Miller as we talk about their own personal gaming experience and what they hope to see from the gaming industry in the future.
by Candace BissonetteSeptember 22, 2021

Nightmare Alley Reaction and Breakdown | TRAILER TALK

Guillermo del Toro bringing the noir hard in this teaser trailer for Nightmare Alley! Join us live with Trailer Talk as we react to this insane cast including Bradely Cooper, Rooney Mara, Cate Blanchett, Willem Dafoe, and more. Then let's break down all the details that may or may not lead us to spoiler territory. So take the bring your Shape of Water prequel theories and let's see how crazy the mind of Del Toro is! This is Trailer Talk.
by Drew LewisSeptember 21, 2021

Interview with the Cast of Uncharted: The Hidden Kingdom

What would happen if Nathan Drake & Co. went on the hunt for a certain legendary sword? This fan-made audio drama takes listeners on a thrilling Arthurian adventure that answers that question, and more–with plenty of excitement along the way!
by Lizabeth PhoenixSeptember 20, 2021

Crashing in on Clash of Chefs VR – A Review

Watch Luis as he plays and reviews Clash of Chefs VR, a virtual reality cooking game. See if he can prepare the tastiest meals the fastest he can and attempt to keep his cool in the kitchen!
by Luis RezaSeptember 16, 2021


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Nobody Said There Would be Ghosts?! | Chapter 3 | The Green Knight: A Roleplaying Game

August 20, 2021 | Videos

What Did That F*%king Fox Say?! | Chapter 2 | The Green Knight: A Roleplaying Game

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