We’re going deeeep into the Quantum Realm with Ant-Man and the Wasp and the whole family. This is going to be one trippy family adventure, and the appearance of Jonathan Major’s Kang is finally making his big screen appearance. This might be the first Ant-Man with some major stakes! Let’s break it all down. This […]
In this episode of Decoding Dragons, Liza and Michelle are joined by fellow high fantasy reader Ayana and bookstagrammer Elizabeth Sagan to break down the shocking season 1 finale! They talk about all things House of the Dragon Episode 10, "The Black Queen," debate Rhaenyra's coronation, tell you about the mystery dragon Daemon's singing to, and more. Don't miss out as they react to the fiery finale and give you their House of the Dragon season 2 predictions! Don't forget to check out Elizabeth's bookstagram linked below for a ton of incredible book recommendations!
Been wanting to try out being a DM for your own Dungeons & Dragons campaign? Sam shares some "critical" tips and why you shouldn't be afraid to give it a try!
We're going deeeep into the Quantum Realm with Ant-Man and the Wasp and the whole family. This is going to be one trippy family adventure, and the appearance of Jonathan Major's Kang is finally making his big screen appearance. This might be the first Ant-Man with some major stakes! Let's break it all down.
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While video game collections are squarely targeted at the fans of the respective games series, there’s a big difference between ones that are quick cash grabs and ones that are crafted with love and respect for the source material and their legacy. The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection by developer Digital Eclipse and […]
There’s no shortage of awesome women in video games that kick way more butt than the guys do and we love em! Go eat some bench gentlemen, let’s have a look at some of the most fierce, badass, and important female video game characters.