Alex recommends some cozy romance, historical, and gothic movies and TV shows to get you through the winter, based on popular titles you’ve probably already seen. Hidden gems galore!
Read our recap and review of The Last of Us HBO Episode 5 - Endure and Survive. Ellie and Joel team up with Henry and Sam to escape the confines of Kansas City. Aww, new friends!
Ever wonder how different Power Rangers could have been if the series had more mature storylines and less corny dialogue? Here are some ways the comics improved the tv series in many ways.
What the hell is going on in 1899? The new Sci-fi Mystery Thriller from the creators of Dark is confusing everyone, and here’s why Iain loves and is baffled by the show in equal measure.
INCOMING! With Gears Of War's Netflix deal recently announced, devoted fan Jake Brown shares his thoughts and controversial casting choices for the upcoming film and animated series.
Bioware Games have been front and center in Brandy’s gaming collection for years. Find out why and how she feels about some of the decisions EA has made lately.