Ahsoka’s season finale is here: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord. It’s an emotional, action-packed, thriller (and sometimes horror) that you won’t want to miss. But if you did, here is Iain’s recap of the episode!
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back again, sporting a new Spider-Verse-inspired look. Join Thomas Richards as he reviews this latest Ninja Turtle reboot.
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun sees a lone Space Marine undertake a quest to stamp out the heretical chaos sorcerer threatening Graia… but is this game favored by the Emperor?
Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.
Who’s ready for Duel-o-Mania, the Star Wars wrestling PPV? No? Ok, here’s the Ahsoka Episode 4: Fallen Jedi recap. Can Ahsoka and Sabine beat the clock to stop the bad guys from reaching Thrawn? Find out here!
Telltale is BACK with The Expanse: A Telltale Series. Iain has played the first two chapters and here’s his impressions of the comeback we’ve all been waiting for!
Final Fantasy XVI is here, but does it live up to the hype? Join Thomas Richards as he reviews the series’ latest offering and tells you why it’s a contender for game of the year.
It’s the festive season! Jordan takes a look at his favourite Christmas-themed episodes from television! Dive in and see what made his top three episodes!