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Candace Bissonette

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part III – Featuring Maria Kinnun & Jen Miller

Can certain aspects of gaming help give your confidence a boost? Is it possible to regain a deep passion for a hobby that has taken a hiatus in your life? Check out this discussion with Maria Kinnun and Jen Miller as we talk about their own personal gaming experience and what they hope to see from the gaming industry in the future.

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part II – Featuring Charlotte Merritt & Stephanie Watson

What would it be like to have an extensive gaming experience that spanned forty years? Candace sits down with fellow Replayers Charlotte Merritt and Stephanie Watson to discuss the evolution of gaming and how roles have changed for female gamers over the years.

Our Journey As Female Gamers Part I – Featuring Amelia Brown & Cassandre Federowicz

Candace features Amelia Brown and Cassandre Federowicz in the first of a series of interviews with female Replayers having an open, candid discussion of their journey as gamers and how their experience has changed over the years.

Being a Female Game Environment Artist in a Rapidly Changing Landscape

Meet Katelyn Johnson, a talented video game environmental artist who rose to the challenge and overcame doubt and fear to make her dreams come true and is currently working with Santa Monica Studio on the highly anticipated God of War game.
by Candace Bissonette | March 1, 2021 | ,

Star Wars: The Good, The Bad & The Indifferent

Star Wars is a story that binds us together, flowing through our imaginations, keeping the human spirit bound to the determination to make the galaxy a better place. Whatever story, timeline or character you are drawn to keep the imagination alive for the next generations.

What It Means To Be Part Of A Community

Candace Rose reflects on how the Replayer community is a great example of the energy, accessibility, and diversity that makes for a strong fan community.
by Candace Bissonette | November 17, 2020 |

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Beyond Absurd: Unveiling the Hilarious Chaos of Chicken Nugget

We watched Chicken Nugget, the weird new Netflix Korean comedy series based on the webtoon of the same name. Step into the world where a girl can be transformed into a chicken nugget, and we’ll tell you why it’s actually worth your time!
by Iain McParlandApril 24, 2024
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