Lily K sat down with actor Desmond Chiam (Reef Break, The Shannara Chronicles, Marvel’s The Falcon and The Winter Soldier) to talk about games, movies, and more.
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Attack on Titan: The Last Attack has hit cinemas around the globe, but is this film worth seeing if you’ve already seen the original episodes? Tom is here to give his thoughts on if it’s worth it.
Darth Vader is closing in on his old Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Will Vader catch up to Obi-Wan before he is able to escape? Has Obi-Wan’s rescue mission for the Princess doomed the members of ‘The Path?’ What plot twists and galactic secrets will be revealed in Part V of Kenobi? “Join me,” as we break down Part V of the Kenobi series.
Is the Knuckles show a flop, or the latest in a line of Sonic the Hedgehog live-action successes? Ben Breaks down the first 3 episodes to see if you should watch this Sonic streaming surprise!