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Spaceballs 2 has been Announced… Yay?

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Rohan Elliott,Brandy Brown
| June 28, 2024
hello world!

I know what you’re thinking… well, as long as what you’re thinking is something along the lines of why I, a writer who on this very site requested Spaceballs 2 back in 2022, would title an article in a way that would be considered dismissive bordering on apathetic. You know what? This opening line’s already derailed this thing so let’s just move on.

It’s been 37 years since the original Mel Brooks helmed piss-take of Star Wars, and this week, it’s been announced that Amazon MGM is moving forward with the long-awaited sequel, which Josh Gad will star and produce. Now, don’t panic; Mel Brooks is involved in the film… except maybe do panic because he’s not writing or directing the film. In fact, an entirely different creative team is developing the film.

So, who is working on the film? Well, according to Variety, we’ve got the writing duo Benji Samit and Dan Hernandez, best known for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem and Pokemon Detective Pikachu. Having seen neither of these films, I won’t be commenting on their writing skills. I also won’t be commenting on whether they will be able to meet people’s expectations… mainly because it’s too obvious of an answer.

Director Josh Greenbaum is sliding into the dusty director’s chair and looking at his IMDB credits; all I’m going to say is the quality of work ping pongs as you scroll through. To be honest, I find that writers and directors for films are like janitors in that you know they’re doing a great job when you’re not thinking about them. On balance, I will say I’m cautious about the sequel in that regard.

John Candy is missed everyday.

Now, the elephant in the room has reared its Darth Helmeted head. It’s been a long time since Spaceballs came out, 37 years if you’re playing along at home, and I’m sorry to say, but time makes fools of us all. A large number of the cast have aged, and some have tragically passed away. There’s also the fact that Rick Moranis doesn’t star in films anymore, and not having your main antagonist show up for the sequel is what we, as writers, like to call a “problem.”

Another problem is a more foundational one, so let’s drill down to the bedrock and examine what bubbles up to the surface. For a long time, the big Hollywood studios have been pushing out sequels and reboots at the expense of more original screenplays in general, and looking at this cynically, I can’t help but feel like the fact we’re getting this sequel now after so many years of false hope backed by Amazon, a company notorious for valuing workers over profits, that it’s almost like Amazon is on a search of some sort… like a search for more money… where have I heard that before?

Overall, I can say I’m more apprehensive than excited about the upcoming Spaceballs sequel. This isn’t much of a surprise if you’ve read my other articles; I’m not exactly the fun, positive guy here. So, for a dash of positivity, I’ve teamed up with fellow contributor Brandy, who’s likely going to be more positive, to balance this article out somewhat (no pressure, Brandy). 

Thank you, Rohan, for assuming that I would have a more positive outlook on this long awaited sequel. I can tell you, however, that, like my counterpart, I am also very concerned and skeptical. It’s been 37 years. THIRTY-SEVEN FREAKING YEARS! And if they don’t name it “The Search For More Money,” I will rage quit. The sequel should have happened years ago because, as Rohan mentioned, we have so few of the original cast. 

I will say this, though: there is much more cannon fodder for this go-round. There are so many new Star Wars and Star Trek movies and shows that it should be easy pickins. While we are at it, maybe we can poke some fun at the fandoms as well. Seriously, they are some of the biggest whiners I have ever seen. I don’t know much about Josh Gad, but I hope he can pull it off. I know it has been said that Mel Brooks will be producing, and if they don’t get his opinion on EVERYTHING, well, you know…rage. I adore Mel Brooks, and there is no one like him. The writers have some big shoes to fill, but I do have some hope because Detective Pikachu and TMNT were actually enjoyable. I am cautiously optimistic, and if it turns out amazing, I will sacrifice my firstborn chicken.

What do you think? Are you looking forward to FINALLY seeing Spaceballs 2? Or are you waiting around the corner of Amazon MGM with your torches and pitchforks? Let us know in the comments, and keep it locked into Couchsoup so you can read our reactions and feed your hungry nerd soul.

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