The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back again, sporting a new Spider-Verse-inspired look. Join Thomas Richards as he reviews this latest Ninja Turtle reboot.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Ahsoka Episode 6 was aired on Disney+. Check out the return of long lost antagonists and protagonists alike in Iain’s latest recap.
Ahsoka Episode 5: Shadow Warrior has been released and, boy, was it a rollercoaster of nods and nostalgia. Anakin is back! Check out Iain’s recap of the latest installment of the show before space whales jump into hyperspace!
Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.
Who’s ready for Duel-o-Mania, the Star Wars wrestling PPV? No? Ok, here’s the Ahsoka Episode 4: Fallen Jedi recap. Can Ahsoka and Sabine beat the clock to stop the bad guys from reaching Thrawn? Find out here!
The latest trailer for the upcoming Toho Films Godzilla Minus One dropped with some awesome Kaiju action and a release date, but is this new film a remake of the original classic?
Attack on Titan is coming to an end, and there’s never been a better time to jump on the hype train. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why now is the best time to get into this fantastic series.
Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are back again, sporting a new Spider-Verse-inspired look. Join Thomas Richards as he reviews this latest Ninja Turtle reboot.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Ahsoka Episode 6 was aired on Disney+. Check out the return of long lost antagonists and protagonists alike in Iain’s latest recap.
Ahsoka Episode 5: Shadow Warrior has been released and, boy, was it a rollercoaster of nods and nostalgia. Anakin is back! Check out Iain’s recap of the latest installment of the show before space whales jump into hyperspace!
Looking for something scary to stream? We got you! This is a new series called Stream Screams and first up is the uniquely terrifying British horror film, The Ritual.
Who’s ready for Duel-o-Mania, the Star Wars wrestling PPV? No? Ok, here’s the Ahsoka Episode 4: Fallen Jedi recap. Can Ahsoka and Sabine beat the clock to stop the bad guys from reaching Thrawn? Find out here!
The latest trailer for the upcoming Toho Films Godzilla Minus One dropped with some awesome Kaiju action and a release date, but is this new film a remake of the original classic?
Attack on Titan is coming to an end, and there’s never been a better time to jump on the hype train. Join Thomas Richards as he explains why now is the best time to get into this fantastic series.
Ahsoka and Sabine are reunited and the training begins! But what trouble can they get into this week? And will politicians ever make good decisions in the Star Wars universe? Not likely. Check out Iain’s recap of Ahsoka Episode 3.