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Marvel’s Moon Knight Trailer Is Trippy

hello world!
Drew Lewis
| January 18, 2022
hello world!

Marvel’s next Disney+ series and superhero (kinda?) is Moon Knight and we finally got our first full trailer. If you’re wondering like I am why did Marvel decide to drop this trailer on MLK day during an NFL football game then your guess is as good as mine. I suppose nothing else nerdy was going on. (Update: I’ve come to learn that Monday was the first full moon of 2022 which is why the trailer dropped then. Still, I’m not sure anyone picked up on that bit of symbolism or cares.)

Let’s take a look at the grey mummy ninja guy in action…

Honestly, I don’t know anything about Moon Knight. I don’t know his powers. I don’t know why he looks like a ninja mummy. And I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in this trailer. Here’s what I do know… Oscar Issac is pretty damn awesome. His work on Inside Llewyn Davis, Ex Machina, and Dune are like watching a masterclass in acting. So if he brings any of that artistry to this series it should be similar to watching Tom Hiddlestone chew up the screen in Loki.

Some other insights from someone who knows very little about this.

This looks to be the first origin story of a Marvel character on Disney+ that isn’t tied to a previous Avenger or villain. (While Hawkeye was an origin story for Kate Bishop it was just as much about closing out Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye.)

Using a remix of Kid Cudi’s Day and Knight as the needle drop in this trailer is “chefs kiss”. Give that editor a raise.

This is shot really really well. The framing and lighting in this are film quality. Marvel has spared no expense to make this look amazing. See Exhibit A below.

So can we all agree that Ethan Hawk should never grow his hair out to look like he does in this trailer? He straight up looks like a cult leader. If that’s what they were going for then well played. But seriously if I saw that guy on the street I’d hide my kids and call the cops.

Anyone else getting The Batman vibes from that shot at the end when you see Moon Knight just beating the shit out of some poor dude? I like it.

So until I watch someone break down this trailer or spend some time on a Wiki rabbit hole I have no idea what’s going on. But this trailer is trippy and has some great actors and a ninja mummy so I’m in.

Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight starts streaming on March 30 on Disney+. Will you be watching? Let me know in the comments below and for god’s sake tell me what’s going on.

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Brandy Brown
2 years ago

Ninja mummy? Sold!

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