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House of the Dragon Season 2 Episode 5 Recap- Regent

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We are now in the back end of Season 2 of House of the Dragon, and thus far, we have endured more conversations than action and less cunning conversations than we’re used to. However, in this episode, do we finally have a worthy villain in the making? Let’s find out.

First up,  here’s a quick reminder to catch our show, “Decoding Dragons,” where my co-host Liza Pheonix and I break down all things House of the Dragon (also available on YouTube and podcast format) every week. We dive deep into lore, symbolism, easter eggs, and even more of Westeros and Game of Thrones. If you don’t have 40 minutes to listen or watch, but you do have a few minutes to read, continue forth, my Lords and Ladies. If you don’t want to get burned by spoilers, I suggest watching the fifth episode before a parent-regent comes and takes your place!

In His Villain Era

Could it be so? Do you finally have someone we want to watch play Game of Thrones? After the events of last episode, which *spoiler*, ended in the death of Meleys and Rhaenys, and the apparent death of King Aegon and Sunfyre, the Green Council convenes to share a sentiment of “what in the hell do we do now?” Prince Aemond begins the meeting on his end of the table whilst casually tossing out into the open that someone now needs to rule the Kingdom. Insert Alicent and her feelings after watching Aegon get brought into his chamber and be peeled apart by the maesters removing his super lame and poorly introduced Conqueror armor that has been fused to his skin after receiving the brunt of a fireball from Vhagar. (that may or may not have been intentionally sent his way).”

She pleads her case as to why it should be she to rule in Aegon’s stead, noting her recent experience having done so for her late husband, only until they know the condition of the King, when Aemond steps in to say it should be he. Alicent only gets one backer, and the rest claim Aemond to be best in show, including Ser Crispy Criston. Aemond then rounds the table to take his place at the head of it and begins barking orders and actually hearing battle progressions and taking heed of his councilors.  What a novel concept. He’s been practicing for this, he is ready to rule, and no one, especially his female momma, is going to get in the way.

This causes Alicent to panic. We see her sitting at Aegon’s side in mourning, however we are left to wonder if it is the combined loss of power between the two of them she is mourning, or her son being in a medieval crispy coma. She is left to wonder what part Aemond and Criston had in this, and when confronted, Criston makes a valid point. Eww.

Olivia Cooke stands as Alicent Hightower in a green dress with a look of concern. Her guards are behind her.
Alicent watches the Maesters rip her son’s armor off his skin.

That was painful to say. He has now seen the effect dragons have on battle, and understands the capacity at which they are able to dominate simply because of being dragons. He feels war is best to be led by a dragonrider. I can’t say I disagree, even if it does get rid of his midnight booty calls.

Rhaenyra in Her Mom Era

We’re just going with the era’s on this article, huh? Keeping with the theme in parallels from one horrible Mom, we see Rhaenyra have two wonderful conversations with her younger councilors (and children/stepchildren/niece. Yes, those are the same people. Face palm). Baela, Rhaenys’ granddaughter, sits with Rhaenyra in mourning. They have a beautiful moment of grieving together before Rhaenyra breeches the subject of a plan/olive branch for Colrys, Baela’s grandfather and Rhaenys’ husband. He has been in Driftmark mourning his loss, living in what he considers a tomb in Rhaenys’ absence.

Rhaenyra sends Baela to negotiate with Corlys, which turns out to be one of the best conversations this season. Baela makes sure her grandfather understands Rhaenys died a Targaryen Princess’ death. By dragon fire, like her own mother, Laena. Corlys gets offered to be Hand of the Queen as a ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’

Corlys Velaryon mourning this series.

After this, Rhaenyra and her son Jace also have a wonderful discussion. They realize they need more dragons, losing their biggest one in Meleys. This is the Red Sowing! Jace comes up with the idea that there has to be Targaryen blood in the streets due to affairs and other not-PG-friendly-manner-of-life-in-Game-of-Thrones. Which means they could potentially ride dragons on their side? Dragonseeds come forth!

Jace also goes to the Twins to negotiate terms with the Freys, which is a nice throwback to the original series. Jace is becoming more and more experienced in battle planning and jargon and establishes a way for his mother’s army to cross the Riverlands and the Crossing. Hopefully there are no Castamere raining shaded parallels to the original show, however, what with young Prince’s making promises to the Freys in the twins. *cringe*

Daemon is in an Era

I can’t even name this era. Daemon’s character has been nerfed so hard, and we’ve gotten three episodes in a row of him tripping balls and being Bob the Builder. Now this episode, he has an Oedipus complex?? What is even happening? I know Targaryen’s do Targaryen things, but with his Momma in a dream?? Come on, y’all.

We did learn his true intentions, however. The theme of this episode is definitely “Women are not fit to rule,” and Daemon knows the realm will not accept a woman ruler. So, he flew to Haarenhal to get a better look at the opposition, take the throne for himself, and have Rhaenyra sit on his side instead of the other way around. I mean, I guess we now know his true intentions? Whatevs.

No Women for Me – Thanks

In a realm and time where women are looked down upon, we are seeing the fall of Alicent and the potential rise of Rhaenyra. However, with the fall of Alicent comes the rise of someone much better at being crazy, who is Aemond. I can’t wait to see what they do with his character, and I desperately hope all the sitting, talking, waiting, dreaming, and hallucinating will be worth it.

In the next episode, we should see some Dragonseeds! Are you watching House of the Dragon? What did you think of this week’s episode? Let us know in the comments, and keep it locked here on Couch Soup for all things House of The Dragon to feed your hungry little nerd soul

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About the Author

  • Michelle Holstine

    Growing up NOT in civilization in the mountains of West Virginia, Michelle found adventure in books, movies and games. She was raised very untraditionally on Star Trek: The Original Series, and Monty Python’s Flying Circus. She found the Harry Potter books to be her one true obsession, and discovered gaming with her family would be some of the best memories she could hope for. Now living in Texas, she is still trying to find her passion in her career, but her hobbies remain the same.

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