Do you like boobs? Booze? Reviews? Michelle brings all three to the table and reviews The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window. Was it horribly cliche and annoying, or a beautiful parody done well?
What’s large, gray, and doesn't matter? Zack Snyder irrelevant Universe. Let’s add a little Blue and Gold to the next adventure. Josh’s take on why Booster Gold and Blue Beetle can be good for the DCU.
Kicking demon butt and helping humanity! How John Romero’s new Doom video game level is bringing wholesomeness to Hell by helping the Ukraine relief effort.
This week, This week, Maria fills in for an absent Pagan as we get to know Rohan. Rohan is a writer who answered Drew’s call to help with the new RR website and an original replayer from the Spider-Man episode! We share what we’ve been playing, discuss some of the articles Rohan has written and remasters of games. We touch on the Trailer Talk and Cinderella Reimagined trailer.
Black Clover is back baby! Sword of the Wizard King is the new film in the Black Clover series, but is it any good? Join Thomas Richards as he gives his thoughts on why this film is an excellent return for the series.
The Monopoly movie has not passed GO since 2009. Let's roll the dice with Luis Reza to see what this community thinks about a possible Monopoly movie being made.
The latest Star Wars Disney+ series, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, has wrapped up, and now the question is, was it worth it? Join Tom as he gives his thoughts on Skeleton Crew.
Every year, there are new Holiday films, and Hallmark has a whole channel for them. But the best Holiday films were when GenX was young. Join Charlotte and fellow GenXers for their favorite holiday movies!
Can certain aspects of gaming help give your confidence a boost? Is it possible to regain a deep passion for a hobby that has taken a hiatus in your life? Check out this discussion with Maria Kinnun and Jen Miller as we talk about their own personal gaming experience and what they hope to see from the gaming industry in the future.
Almost 20 years after Charlie Brooker’s short-lived comedy series first aired, we look back at the depressingly prophetic Nathan Barley. Did the idiots win?