Incision is an early-access retro first person shooter with plenty of dithered gore. With a shoot-it-until-it-dies gameplay and industrial-inspired soundtrack, this is an experience that fans of Blood, Quake, and Dusk should enjoy.
Hang Time owner and CEO Shaun Bolen pops by the podcast to chat about games, streaming, content creation, and loving dogs. Shaun was a part of Screw Attack and Game Attack and has now launched a new channel and platform called HangTime.
The recent announcement of the Mandalorian and Grogu movie has caused some discussion in the Star Wars community. What does it all mean? What can we look forward to? Let’s dive into it all
Our Journey As Female Gamers series comes to a close in Part V where Candace sits down with Brandy Brown & Samantha Drake to discuss their own experiences with developing their passion for gaming and what they have loved about the diversity in recent gaming history. Join us for the final candid discussion of the light and dark side of gaming.
Chapter 21, the Pirate, has it all! Pirates, pilots and politics! We see some familiar faces make some great cameos. The Mandalorians gear up to help a friend protect the independence of Nevarro and are united in purpose. Check out my top three highlights of this action packed episode!
Olan Rogers’ new project, Godspeed has been released, and it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. The Final Space creator has crafted a beautiful new animated pilot you should definitely check out!
Shana shares how watching streaming video game playthroughs, especially from fellow community members, has helped her find satisfying storytelling and engaging entertainment as an alternative to streaming TV and movies.
After a series of mixed results, where can DC go for fresh superhero story material without another reboot? The answer may be in the C-list characters from a little known but well-written comic series.
Agatha Christie’s- Murder on the Orient Express is a puzzle adventure game. Step on board to solve a crime as the famous detective Hercule Poirot. But is this game as fun as it looks or one you should skip on? Join Brandy as she dives into the mystery!