In this installment of Couch Soup's Ahsoka series prep notes, Stef briefly introduces two more Spectres from Star Wars: Rebels: Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios.
The finale of Secret Invasion is upon us! Will our eye-patched hero prevail? Will he die at the hands of a super-powered alien menace? Will we all get shawarma afterwards? Unlikely. Check out Iain’s recap of the exciting finale!
Mortal Kombat 1 is fast approaching. Ben goes over the confusing tradition of reboots within the franchise and why he thinks it needs to slow down a bit.
FROM just recently had its season 2 finale and I am here to tell you why it should be on your MUST WATCH list. I have some very good points here, so let’s dive deep and find out why FROM is what was missing from your life.
Let's dive into the full trailer for the much anticipated Ahsoka series on Disney+. Then let's get a look at The Boys spinoff series Gen V with the latest teaser dropped at San Diego Comic-Con