The Boy and The Heron, the latest film from Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, has hit theatres, but does it live up to its reputation? Join Thomas Richards as he reviews the latest from this critically acclaimed team.
The holiday season is here, which means a lot of time with friends and family. So, why not play some new board games with them? Join Thomas Richards as he tells you about some fun board games you can play this holiday season.
The 60th Anniversary specials of Doctor Who really went all out on the advertising, we're examining the middle episode "Wild Blue Yonder" and Ben has a few issues to discuss with this one.
Rick and Morty’s post-Roiland Season 7 continues! In two standalone episodes, we catch up with Summer and Morty in a Total Recall / Taken mashup, and we ask the question: what happened to Water-T after getting schwifty?